Training Programs Writing Fiction Writer Course

Fiction Writer Course

A good fiction writer can skillfully weave fantasy and reality or create a world that is wholly imagined yet feels real. If you want to learn how to write fiction, this is the online writing course for you.

$1,495.00 (USD)

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  • Overview
  • Objective
  • Syllabus
  • Requirements
  • Prerequisites
  • Instructor
  • FAQs

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  1. Introduction
    1. What is Fiction
    2. Types of Fiction
    3. Genres and Tropes
  2. Elements of a Story
    1. What are Story Elements?
    2. Where Do Ideas Come From?
    3. Brainstorming
    4. "Write What You Know"
  3. Character
    1. Protagonist vs Antagonist
    2. Minor Characters
    3. Character Motivation
    4. Creating Realistic Characters
    5. "Goodies" versus "Baddies"
  4. Conflict
    1. Why is Conflict Important in Fiction?
    2. Types of Conflict
    3. Using Conflict to Drive Your Story
  5. Plot
    1. "Plotters" Versus "Pantsers"
    2. A Simple Approach to Plot
    3. A More Detailed Plot Structure
    4. Creating a Character Arc
  6. Setting
    1. The Power of Words
    2. Using the Five Senses
    3. Show, Don't Tell
  7. Writing Dialogue
    1. Dialogue Punctuation
    2. Writing Convincing Dialogue
    3. What Is Your Character's Motivation?
    4. Dialogue Tags
  8. Style
    1. Past Tense Versus Present Tense
    2. Point of View
    3. Tone and Voice
  9. Outlining your Story and Writing your First and Getting Your Work Out There
    1. Creating a Story Outline
    2. Writing the First Chapter
    3. The Editing and Drafting Process
    4. Getting Your Work Out into the World
    5. Other Opportunities



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Our highly knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will answer any questions you might have about the course and payment options.




You've got questions.
We're here to help.

Our highly knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will answer any questions you might have about the course and payment options.

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San Marcos, TX 78666 US

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